(FOTO) Tukaj nastaja Siranna, skrivnostno ultra razkošno letovišče z osupljivim razgledom in neverjetno arhitekturo

02.12.2023 15:41

Savdska Arabija si je postavila jasen cilj - postati nova turistična senzacija. Načrti šejkov so megalomanski.

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Ko bo Siranna dokončana, bo premožnim gostom nudila 65 sob. 

Siranno gradijo na obali Akabskega zaliva v Savdski Arabiji. To bo ultraluksuzna počitniška destinacija, v kateri bo hotel v obliki šesterokotnika s 65 sobami in 35 ekskluzivnimi rezidencami.

Ferrari Press Agency Siranna 1  Ref 15339 29/11/2023 See Ferrari text Pictures MUST credit: Neom A luxury tourist plan being developed on a grand scale in Saudi Arabia has just unveiled its latest offering. Siranna, described as "an exclusive tourism escape" will be an ultra-luxurious destination that is home to a 65 room hotel, as well as 35 exclusive residences. And the breathtaking architecture is designed to blend in with the rugged surroundings on the Gulf of Aqaba coastline. It is part of the Neom development in the North West of the country as it looks to move away from a reliance on oil and become a hub for well-heeled holiday makers. The destination, which has a multi-level pool beach club, offers uninterrupted views of the Red Sea, with its tiered design offering diverse views and perspectives. It has been designed to look as if it is emerging from the coastal terrain with hexagonal pillars, a theme said to be complementary to the surrounding mountains and flora. Guests will arrive on waterborne transportation to the secluded bay chosen for the development. They will then journey through the natural rock formations before reaching the property entrance. OPS: Render of the proposed Siranna hotel and residences, part of Saudi Arabia's Neom tourism plan. Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 825273828, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: no

Zasnovan je tako, da se zdi, kot da izstopa iz obale in se zliva z okoljem, v katerem se nahaja, torej s specifično floro in favno.

Siranna naj bi imela klub na plaži, bazen v več nivojih in ponujala naj bi nemoten pogled na Rdeče morje. Ponujala bo tudi številne možnosti za zabavo in sprostitev – od vrhunskih restavracij do zdravilišč in velneških storitev.

Ko bo Siranna zgrajena, se bodo gostje do nje pripeljali z vodnim taksijem, pred vhodom bodo morali prečkati skrito pot med naravnimi skalami, piše portal PunKufer.

Ferrari Press Agency Siranna 1  Ref 15339 29/11/2023 See Ferrari text Pictures MUST credit: Neom A luxury tourist plan being developed on a grand scale in Saudi Arabia has just unveiled its latest offering. Siranna, described as "an exclusive tourism escape" will be an ultra-luxurious destination that is home to a 65 room hotel, as well as 35 exclusive residences. And the breathtaking architecture is designed to blend in with the rugged surroundings on the Gulf of Aqaba coastline. It is part of the Neom development in the North West of the country as it looks to move away from a reliance on oil and become a hub for well-heeled holiday makers. The destination, which has a multi-level pool beach club, offers uninterrupted views of the Red Sea, with its tiered design offering diverse views and perspectives. It has been designed to look as if it is emerging from the coastal terrain with hexagonal pillars, a theme said to be complementary to the surrounding mountains and flora. Guests will arrive on waterborne transportation to the secluded bay chosen for the development. They will then journey through the natural rock formations before reaching the property entrance. OPS: Render of the proposed Siranna hotel and residences, part of Saudi Arabia's Neom tourism plan.Beach club Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 825273697, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: no

Siranna je del Neoma, zelene pobude za alternativni življenjski slog, povezane s tehnološkim napredkom, trajnostjo, inovacijami in kulturno izmenjavo, katere glavni cilj je približati Savdsko Arabijo kot turistično destinacijo.

Siranna naj bi pomagala Savdsko Arabijo uveljaviti kot sanjsko turistično destinacijo. 

Čeprav je obala zaliva trenutno neizkoriščena in prazna, bodo luksuzni projekti, ki naj bi jih tu zgradili v naslednjih 10 letih, popolnoma spremenili to območje, domačini pa upajo, da bodo privabili tudi premožne turiste.

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