(FOTO) Zvezdnica, bivša zaročenka komičarke Ellen, hudo poškodovana. Fotografije nesreče so grozljive ...

06.08.2022 09:16

Najprej naj bi se zaletela v garažo stanovanjskega bloka, nato je odpeljala naprej in treščila v bližnjo hišo.

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Ameriški mediji poročajo, da naj bi se 53-letna filmska igralka Anne Heche hudo poškodovala, ko se je z avtomobilom zaletela v hišo v Los Angelesu, pri čemer je njen mini cooper zagorel skupaj s stavbo. Ugibanja, da je bila pod vplivom alkohola, za zdaj niso potrjena.


Policija v Los Angelesu sicer uradno ni razkrila imena ponesrečenke. Povedali so le, da je voznica peljala z veliko hitrostjo, zletela s ceste in se zaletela v poslopje v predelu Los Angelesa Mar Vista.

*PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Mar Vista, CA - *USA AND CANADA CLIENTS MUST CALL FOR RIGHTS*Anne Heche was involved in a wild crash in L.A. Friday, and has been taken away by ambulance in a stretcher.The crash went down just after noon in the Mar Vista area of Los Angeles. Witnesses tell TMZ, she was driving a blue Mini Cooper and crashed into the garage of an apartment complex.Residents of the apartment complex tried getting Anne out of the vehicle but she put the car in reverse and then sped off. A short time later, she crashed into a nearby home, igniting a fire. The fire was significant and engulfed the house.Look closely at the photo of Anne inside the car (above) ... there's a bottle with a red cap in the cupholder next to the gearshift, and it looks like a bottle of alcohol.Anne apparently suffered severe burns in the fire ... you see her clothes are charred as she's taken away on a stretcher. She's covered in a white cloth, when she suddenly sits up on the stretcher and starts flailing wildly as they put her in the ambulance.We do not know the extent of her injuries or burns. We're told she's currently in the hospital intubated but expected to live. We're told her condition prevents doctors from performing any tests to determine if she was driving under the influence of alcohol.*MANDATORY,Image: 712280531, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: no, Pictured: Anne Heche

Voznica je pri tem utrpela hude opekline in gasilci so jo odpeljali v bolnišnico v kritičnem stanju. Najprej naj bi se zaletela v garažo stanovanjskega bloka, nato je odpeljala naprej in treščila v bližnjo hišo.


Anne Heche je znana po vlogah v filmih Six Days, Seven Nights, Donnie Brasco in eni od priredb filma Psiho. Leta 1991 je dobila televizijsko nagrado emmy za vlogo v dramski seriji Another World.


Med drugim je bila znana tudi kot zaročenka televizijske voditeljice Ellen DeGeneres, s katero sta bili v razmerju od leta 1997 do leta 2000, ko sta se sporazumno ločili.

*PREMIUM-EXCLUSIVE* Mar Vista, CA - *EXCLUSIVE* - Anne Heche's wrecked mini is towed away from Walgrove Ave in Mar Vista, Los Angeles, where it crashed into a $1million two-bed home. As the car was towed away, it was possible to see debris scattered inside the vehicle. Anne was reportedly badly burned in the inferno. The woman living at the house survived.*UK Clients - Pictures Containing ChildrenPlease Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 712279582, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions:, Model Release: no, Pictured: Anne Heche
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