V Bolgariji bo potreben drugi krog predsedniških volitev

07.11.2016 17:43
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epa05619559 A Bulgarian casts his vote in the Presidential elections in Bulgaria at a polling station in the town of Pleven, Bulgaria, 06 November 2016. Bulgaria holds the first round of a presidential election with a total of 21 candidates competing for the highest state office in the poorest EU member state. Although the Bulgarian president is elected in a direct vote, unlike the presidents of the USA or France, he has far smaller political powers. According to opinion polls, the new Bulgarian head of state will be elected in a second round of the vote, probably on 13 November 2016, because no candidate is expected to receive the required majority of more than 50 per cent of the votes in the first round. EPA/VASSIL DONEV
Vassil Donev
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