Erdogan čestital kandidatu opozicije ob zmagi v Istanbulu

24.06.2019 07:30
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epa07669622 A handout photo made available by the CHP Press office shows newly elected Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu of Republican People's Party (CHP) greets his supporters as they gather during Imamoglu's speech after the Istanbul mayoral elections re-run, in Istanbul, Turkey, 23 June 2019. According to unofficial results Ekrem Imamoglu won the election with 54 percent of the votes. The Turkish Electoral Commission ordered a repeat of the mayoral election in Istanbul for 23 June 2019, after Turkish President Erdogan's AK Party had alleged there was 'corruption' behind his party losing to a candidate of main opposition Republican People's Party's (CHP) in the 31 March 2019 polls. EPA/ONUR GUNAL/CHP PRESS OFFICE/HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
Onur Gunal/Chp Press Office/Handout
Ekrem Imamoglu
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Ekremu Imamogluju
"Čestitam Ekremu Imamogluju, ki je zmagal na volitvah glede na neuradne podatke,"
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