(VIDEO) "Te ni nič sram?" Sledilci Meghan Markle obtožili kraje

20.10.2020 19:33
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Meghan Markle se je znova znašla pod kritikami oboževalcev. Tokrat se je na njenem Instagram profilu pojavil posnetek enega izmed intervjujev, na katerem Meghan govori o družbenih omrežjih. V njem med drugim pojasni razlog za svojo odločitev, da svoj osebni profil zapre. Zdaj namreč obstaja le še uradni, ki pa ga ne vodi sama, pač pa za to skrbi njena ekipa.

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The Duchess of Sussex spoke virtually today with @fortunemag for its “Most Powerful Next Gen Summit.” She revealed that she has made a personal choice to not have an Instagram account and is worried about others that have become obsessed with the app. Meghan said, “For my own self-preservation, I have not been on social media for a very long time. I had a personal account years ago, which I closed down and then we had one through the institution and our office that was in the U.K. that wasn’t managed by us —that was a whole team — and so I think that comes with the territory for the job you have." “I’ve made a personal choice to not have any account, so I don’t know what’s out there, and many ways that’s helpful for me," she continued. "I have a lot of concerns for people that have become obsessed with it. And it is so much a part of our daily culture for so many people that it’s an addiction like many others. There are very few things in this world where you call the person who is engaging with it a user." Loved this chat and I encourage each of you to take an hour to watch @thesocialdilemma on @netflix if you haven’t already. It’s a great watch and really makes you more aware of the time you’re spending on your phone. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic! Do you think social media has become an addiction? If so, what are ways that people can help manage their time spent on their mobile devices? Comment below with your thoughts!!!! 👇🏼❤️

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Razlog za tovrstno odločitev naj bi bila, da so uporabniki družbenih omrežij "zasvojenci". Kot pravi, imajo družbena omrežja to moč, da ljudi zasvojijo. Sledilci ji ob tem očitajo, da so njene besede skoraj identične stavkom iz nedavno objavljenega dokumentarca na Netflixu "družbena dilema". V njem uporabnike družbenih omrežij primerjajo z zasvojenci z drogami. Podobno je storila tudi Meghan Markle. Tuji mediji pišejo, da naj bi 39-letnica celo skoraj do besede natančno citirala stavke iz omenjenega dokumentarnega filma.


Sledilci ji očitajo, da je ustvarjalcem serije ukradla ideje, ne da bi povedala, od kod. "Te ni nič sram," se je spraševal eden od sledilcev, drugi pa dodal, da bi kot igralka vse skupaj lahko nekoliko bolje izpeljala.

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