Ženska, ki je zaradi koronavirusa izgubila moža, je arogantnemu Trumpu poslala močno sporočilo

07.10.2020 11:40

Amanda Kloots je 95 dni jokala ob svojem umirajočem možu, zato so jo bahave besede ameriškega predsednika zelo prizadele.

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Odgovor fitnes vplivnice Amande Kloots, ki jo je zelo prizadelo Trumpovo sporočilo, češ naj se Američani koronavirusa ne bojijo in naj ne dovolijo, da virus prevlada v njihovem življenju, je postal viralna uspešnica. Amanda je julija zaradi koronavirusa izgubila svojega 41-letnega moža. 

Njen mož, igralec Nick Cordero, je po okužbi v bolnišnici preživel 95 dni, amputirati so mu morali nogo. "Vsem 208.000 Američanom, ki so zaradi virusa izgubili najdražje, sporočam, da stojim ob vas, z vami in vas držim za roko. Žal, to je prevladalo nad našimi življenji, mar ne? Virus je dominiral tudi v življenjih Nickove družine in življenjih moje družine. Seveda smo mu to 'dovolili', kot da je to bila naša izbira.  Žal, vsi nimajo te sreče, da bi v bolnišnici preživeli le dva dneva. 95 dni sem ob svojem možu jokala in gledala, kako covid uničuje osebo, ki jo ljubim. Tega se je potrebno bati. Potem ko bi videli, kako vaša ljubljena oseba umira zaradi bolezni, nikoli ne bi izjavili kaj takega. Brez kakršnega koli sočutja za vsa izgubljena življenja. Namesto tega so on raje hvali. Žalostno. Škodljivo. Sramotno," je Amanda napisala v odgovoru na Trumpov tvit. Njen odgovor je všečkalo več kot 300.000 ljudi, mnogi so ga delili tudi na svojih profilih. Klootsova je moževo bitko za življenje spremljala na Instragramu ter tako postala eden najbolj znanih obrazov tega, kako pandemija vpliva na življenja ljudi. 

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Elvis and I had a special afternoon today. My girlfriend from years on Broadway has an incredible pottery business in LA and she invited us to make pottery using some of Nicks ashes. I have recently learned how many ways you can repurpose ashes and make new things with them. I think it is beyond beautiful, a way to keep him living! ⠀ She had never incorporated ashes to her work before (and doesn’t intend to do more) but because we are friends she wanted to try, to create a piece that Elvis and I could help with and have forever. I had never made pottery so I was really looking forward to learning the process. ⠀ Once she mixed the ashes with the clay, threw and spun our piece, Elvis and I got our hands wet and put our hands into the clay to make our imprints on the piece. It will be a vase! This was so incredible and really felt special. A way to turn something sad into something joyful. ⠀ She now will let it dry and then puts it in the kiln to bake before we glaze it! The process is not over so there will be more to come. I just wanted to share this because I think it’s so beautiful what you can do with ashes to keep someone you love alive. ⠀ Again, this was a one off experiment for her but her pottery is gorgeous so if you are interested in that check her out! @rarebirdgoods ⠀ Thank you so much Emily! ❤️

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This is us, the day we got our keys to our first home before we started renovations. I remember taking this picture, documenting the “before” so we could show the progress each month. Nick bought us this house. He found the listing, insisted on going to the open house and did all the work to get the mortgage. He knew we needed a home and I’m so grateful, especially now, for his foresight. ⠀ We move into our new home today and I thought I’d be terrified but it’s oddly been comforting. Isn’t that funny how the things you get yourself so worried about emotionally sometimes aren’t that bad in the end? I think this is because I know this was Nicks dream and today Elvis and I are bringing that dream to life. And in the words of my favorite Broadway director, Susan Stroman, “Do it full out with great conviction!” ⠀ This house couldn’t have happened without @lacordero64 @canyonhaus @beachwood_builders @michellegersoninteriors @mollyetuttle @zachbraff @mkmoeski @wfklk601 and Todd Kloots - THANK YOU! ⠀

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God has another angel in heaven now. My darling husband passed away this morning. He was surrounded in love by his family, singing and praying as he gently left this earth. ⠀ I am in disbelief and hurting everywhere. My heart is broken as I cannot imagine our lives without him. Nick was such a bright light. He was everyone’s friend, loved to listen, help and especially talk. He was an incredible actor and musician. He loved his family and loved being a father and husband. Elvis and I will miss him in everything we do, everyday. ⠀ To Nicks extraordinary doctor, Dr. David Ng, you were my positive doctor! There are not many doctors like you. Kind, smart, compassionate, assertive and always eager to listen to my crazy ideas or call yet another doctor for me for a second opinion. You’re a diamond in the rough. ⠀ ⠀ I cannot begin to thank everyone enough for the outpour of love, support and help we’ve received these last 95 days. You have no idea how much you lifted my spirits at 3pm everyday as the world sang Nicks song, Live Your Life. We sang it to him today, holding his hands. As I sang the last line to him, “they’ll give you hell but don’t you light them kill your light not without a fight. Live your life,” I smiled because he definitely put up a fight. I will love you forever and always my sweet man. ❤️

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